Bringing a pet rodent or rabbit into Ireland from another EU/EEA country or Northern Ireland


You can bring a pet rodent or rabbit to Ireland from another EU country or from Andorra, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Northern Ireland, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the Vatican City State if:

  • your pet is accompanied by you or travels within 5 days of your travel or travels within 5 days of your travel and is accompanied by someone authorised on your behalf
  • you fill in and email an Owner Declaration (below) to at least one working day before the arrival time of your pet in Ireland
  • your pet complies with all the health requirements set out in the Owner Declaration

Owner Declaration Pet Rodent or Pet Rabbit from an EU country

You must fill in and return this form at least one working day before the arrival time of your pet in Ireland.

You must check with the National Parks and Wildlife Service if a CITES licence is required for your pet.
